Kategorie: Workshop SCHROTTI JAM 2018 25.August.2018

SCHROTTI JAM 2018 25.August.2018

25. August 2018

Die diesjährige Schrotti Jam findet am 25. August statt.
Wie immer neben dem Babenhäuser Freibad.
Ill Chill Villains invite Graff Superheroes & Toys

The Good Girls Crews.
The Bad Bombers.
The Ugly Anti-Stylers…
…defending the world from all evil.

Teasy Toysmasher
Toni Tschernobyl
Krixl Grayskull
Paranormal Phonk D

Holy Moses & Evil Taps switching identities…
Cruel Cowboys Graffiti School bringing Kids on wrong Tracks…

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